Technical parameters of microporous aeration pan

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Aerator size: Φ215mm, Φ260mm, Φ300mm

Service area: 0.25-0.55m2/piece, 0.35-0.75m2/piece

Average running pore of aeration diaphragm: 80-100 microns

Air flow: 1.5-3m3/h

Total oxygen transfer coefficient: kla (20℃) 0.204-0.337min-1

Oxygen utilization rate: (water depth 3.2m) 18.4-27.7%

Oxygenation capacity: 0.112-0.185KgO2/m3h

Oxygenation power efficiency: 4.46-5.19KgO2/kwh

Aeration resistance: 180-280mmH2O

The air pipe design should consider the pressure balance, and it is best to form a ring network. Each group of air intake pipes should be equipped with valves to facilitate the adjustment of the air volume. Air pipe design flow rate: 10-15 m/s for the main pipe; 5 m/s for the branch pipe. The installation height between the surface of the aerator and the bottom of the pool: 270mm, 250mm, and the push plate type is 200mm.


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