The application of disc aerator

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Disc aerator, also known as a diffuser disc, is a common water treatment device used for gas transfer and oxygen supply in water. Here are some application areas of aerator discs:

  1. 1.Wastewater treatment: Aerator discs are widely used in activated sludge processes and anaerobic treatment systems in wastewater treatment plants. By introducing gas through the aerator disc into the water, microbial growth and metabolism are enhanced, accelerating the decomposition of organic matter and the purification of wastewater.

  2. 2.Water aeration: Aerator discs can be used in lakes, ponds, aquariums, and other water bodies to provide sufficient oxygen supply to the organisms in the water. Increasing the oxygen content in the water helps maintain ecological balance and the health of aquatic life.

  3. 3.Mixing and agitation: Aerator discs can also be used for mixing and agitation of liquids in applications such as chemical reaction tanks and storage tanks. The bubble movement generated by the aerator disc enables uniform mixing of the liquid and agitation of suspended solids.

  4. 4.Fish pond aquaculture: In fish ponds and aquaculture facilities, aerator discs are used to provide sufficient oxygen supply to fish and other aquatic organisms. Adequate oxygen promotes fish growth and health and helps prevent oxygen-rich or oxygen-depleted conditions in the water.


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